As an only child with no cousins, I didn’t grow up around babies; in fact, I had never held one until my daughter was born. I don't really even remember the adults, even though they were there. My DH is an only child, so our two boys are the only kids in the family, no cousins. I consider them my siblings because I grew up having them so close to me. Though she didn’t have a brother or sister to play with, she had two cousins only 1 and 2 years older than her. The oldest and youngest live far away, but the middle 4 see each other every month or so. Our family-size jousting is interesting since Angela and I are both only children, and even come from a tribe of them. My mama passed away just 11 days ago. So it is unlikely that my daughter will have any cousins. My DD aged 6 is an only with no cousins, nor will there ever be any. Many psychologists agree that only child syndrome is probably a myth. Put the sounds together and you get “Kids.” Plural. On my side of the family the cousins are: Boy(20) Boy(11) Girl(9) Boy(8) Boy(4) Boy(9 mos.) T he fact that I am an only child who does not come off as terribly messed up has made me a case study for friends who are on the fence about whether to have a second child. The myth of the “peculiar” only child originated in 1895, when EW Bohannon, a psychologist, surveyed more than 1,000 kids (only 46 of whom were only … My husband has one sister who is 40 and not married. (Most end up doing so; I try not to take it personally.) At family gatherings she's always the only child. She didn't mind too … We have two young kids, and they have no cousins (I'm an only child and my husband's siblings don't have kids). The pain feels unbearable. The bond I have with them is stronger than the average familial relationship. Because I am an only child, my sibling relationships involve the other children in my family: my cousins. I'm 32 years old and I'm an only child. I am a giant and she’s so tiny … But when my daughter was first born, I didn’t worry so much about that. Even though there's only one girl, she plays well with all the boys. Although my father is still alive, he has always just lived on the outskirts of my life. There were 70 people there and my daughter was the only one under 18. I am an only child. As a result, I’m well acquainted with the arguments for and against having just one kid — and I have considered them myself. My mama raised me as … Growing up, I always looked forward to seeing my cousins at holidays. One thing to keep in mind is that Hall’s research took place during a time when many people lived in rural areas. The idea it [being an only child] is abuse is absurd. I found this site today using google also. Getting all a parent’s love and attention creates healthier attachments. I have lots of cousins who live all over the place, none here, but because we all grew up in different places I never really got to know them and we have no relationship now (I last saw my cousins at a family wedding 15 years ago). As in not an only child. Last year there was a huge reunion for a 90th birthday. Angela’s mom is an only, as are two of my cousins on my dad’s side and one on my mom’s, and two of these cousins have onlies, too. At first, holding her terrified me. And from another adult only child: “Super happy only child here.
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