1 decade ago. [ Read: Popular Names For Girls] 26. Im stuck :/ Answer Save. Just curious to see what ya'll have to say.... =) Update: Alright, who's giving all the thumbs down?? Anonymous. Chloe Teagan. Chloe Annalise. Chloe Madalyn. Last post: 11-11-2014 at 6.54 AM Becky P(138) ... would be my top name Chloe Imogen Richards Chloe Angel Richards Chloe Hope Richards Chloe Alannah Richards Chloe Seren Richards ... Chloe Anne for example sounds good… Chloe Janette Myers. The importance of picking a good middle name for your daughter. Relevance. Chloe Bean(inspired by Kurt Cobain’s daughter, Frances Bean) 8. well, this is my first child & i really love the name chloe. - posted in Baby Name Advice: Hi, I'm looking for a middle name for Chloe Salvatore but nothing seems to just jump off the page at me! (I want my middle name to be Jolie) My mother intended to name me Chloe spelt Kloé but someone bought me a braclet saying Chloe-.- I have the same first & middle names & spelling of Chloe also. Chloe Abigail. Any ideas? Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Chloe – Chlo, Coco, Clo-Clo, Clo, clover, Chloeee. 24. Khloe Olivia. Middle names for girls run the gamut from the traditional connecting names such as Rose and Anne to family surnames to new names carrying deep meaning. Me and my husband have both agreed on the name Chloe, but we are having a really hard time with the middle name. 3. thanks in advance. Chloe Marie. Emma K. 1 decade ago. Favourite answer. So these are just some ideas! Hope you find a middle name … What is a good middle name for Chloe and Carter?? Chloe Olivia Myers . My DF (dear fiancee) has his heart set on Madison though. Yes it is as it is brings good luck to everyone with that name Chloe Is Great sister and a great friend. Good luck with the baby! Middle names for Chloe, surname Richards. Chloe Francesca. Answer Save. Prounonced 'Klo-ee' Answer Save. Answer Save. Khloe Jessica. Chloe Haye 11. Middle name for Chloe We are expecting our first daughter at the start of November! Good middle names can be used to honor a loved one or to express your creative side. My sister's name is Chloe Faith. Chloe Ann. Cut it out, it's just an opinion question! sparksgirls6. That sounds really cute! Chloe Love 9. Chloe appeared in Greek mythology as an alternative name for the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter. The name Grace connotes beauty and elegance and is a nice compliment to Chloe. Favourite answer. I think a single syllable middle name would flow best, but be careful about a name that starts with the same sound it ends with, so a long E name would be difficult to distinguish (ex Chloe Eve) but I like the suggestion Chloe Rae or others like it. Chloe Evangeline. :) Her middle name on her papers is LaRue. Chloe Paige. Chloe Amy/Amie Myers Last name Clark. Chloe Morgan. Update: Does anybody think that Chloe Isabella, or Carter Ian sound good?? 1 decade ago. I'm trying to decide a good middle name and have no idea what to decide for it. - good middle names - names similar to Khloe. Chloe Michelle. Although having a middle name isn’t entirely necessary, there are a few perks to having a catchy, cute full name. Chloe Riley. Update 2: It's a girl. Lv 6. Relevance. Middle names are a bold, unique way to stand out from the rest, especially if the first name is rather common. Chloe (DH and I love the name) Alice (after my dads mother). Dont know what you last name is but with ours it fits fine. Chloe Honor 5. As soon as I saw your heading asking for a middle name to go with Chloe, the first name that came to mind was Grace. It just goes so beautifully. Lv 5. 9 years ago. It is both a regal name and a popular name that flows nicely with Chole. Favorite Answer. 8♥21♥08 Minnesota 43 posts . 0 0. I think khloe is sooo pretty. What also adds to the debate within the family over Lucinda is that family all like the name Lucy but just not Lucinda! My dog is named Chloe, though i think it is a precious name for a little girl! So, what middle name would you choose for Chloe? What is a good middle name for Chloe?? Feb 20th '08. I also especially like the names Chloe Jane, Chloe Amelia, Chloe Vivian and Chloe Sophia. Chloe … 1 decade ago. bernie0805. Chloe Elizabeth. Lv 7. June: It used to name the one who is born in the month of June and is a Latin word. middle name for Khloe ????? Chloe Alexis. I like it better than Chloe, its more modern and up to date. I’m now 30 & I agree with everyone else, it is so much more popular these days than it was 20+ years ago. Chloe Lorraine? Add Friend Ignore. Here is a list of middle names to consider when choosing the right middle name for your child. Chloe or Khloe. 16 Answers. Update: My grandmothers middle names is Alyssa. Kate: Refers to the one who is pure and is a Greek word. Could be long or short, unique or classic. 26 Answers. I think it flows well and she knows she is in trouble when I say both names! and any boys names will be helpful too I want something different boys or girls names since i dont know what it is yet! That's my sister's middle name... My middle name is Charlene... You could also look back and find out what your mother's middle name was, and her mothers etc. And I have never heard of Chloe … What is a good middle name for Chloe? We think we have decided on Chloe if our baby is a girl, what are some middle name suggestions? Chloe Natasha 13. Stuck on mn for Chloe. Khloe. Rhyme/repeated sounds Feb 20th '08. I think it sounds really nice, and really balances the whole name out. Chloe Grace - Another popular middle name is Grace. A girl with this middle name is sexy, kind, and a little dangerous. 1. Chloe Kennedy 10. The first name that came to mind is Chloe Marissa Bentley. Chloe Sage 2. Husband and I don't tend to agree on names, but we've settled on Chloe as the first name that we both love. i cant think of a middle name for Khloe ? Lane: The name is used to refer to a narrow street or someone who lives on one. I might should have saved it for that. Lv 7. I love the name Chloe.. Chloe Mae. Chloe Nichole. I gave birth to a DD 10 Weeks ago and named her Chloe Alice. Chloe Cadence 4. Chloe catherine Myers. Middle names for girls that are surnames, gender neutral names, or word names expressing some … roh-shell) Chloe Jane/Jayne/Jain/Jaine Myers. Avoid having the last sound of the first name be repeated in the first sound of the middle name, which gives the effect of the two names sliding or slurring together. Many parents put thought in choosing a first name. It's a horrible name. Chloe Rose. The name Chloe is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "young green shoot". 1 decade ago. Any suggestions appreciated! Favorite Answer. Relevance. Favourite answer. Chloe Elizabeth/Elisabeth Myers. Be sure to go " Chloe" in the speed zone " . I have: Chloe Harper Chloe Isobel Chloe Emmaline Chloe Sophia So far lol. Many parents these days look to the middle as a place to put family names that might be too old-fashioned or unusual to use in first place. Relevance. Chloe Rachelle/Rachel/Rachael Myers. Chloe Sarah 12. 25. Another middle name problem to watch out for is “sliding” sounds. Chloe Roxanne. Chloe Hannah/Hanna/Hana Myers. and explain why? Answer Save. ♥ ♥ Just awful!!! " Chloe Mae/May Chloe Blair Chloe Gwen Chloe Skye Chloe Sloane Chloe … Research has revealed the most popular middle names for girls and boys. We already have a little girl (3.8) called Chloe Elizabeth and our current name for baby-if girl-is Lucinda,which we will mostly shorten to Luci (as in Lucy) but none of our family like it even though me and my DH love it! She was referred to as Chloe in the spring months, due to the name’s relation to sprouts and growth. angelik. The name means the phrase ‘god is gracious’ and is a Hebrew word. Chloe Rochelle Myers. Do you think that is a good match? Chloe Sasha Myers. Since Grace is a one-syllable name, it may pair best with middle names that have multiple syllables! Chloe Frances 7. 0 0. stef. Just something that flows well. Answer Save. However, you should not minimize the importance of choosing the right middle name for your baby. Chloe Marie 6. Liberty; This middle name for a girl is perfect for a kind-hearted person. Chloe … 27 Answers. 1 decade ago. HELP. Relevance. Princess030508 2 kids; Ohio 5 posts. 1 decade ago. Examples of this would be Delores Sabine, Faith Thelma, or Joy Yasmine. What is a good middle name for Chloe? Lucy; This is another simple middle name that goes well with any first. Leah; This middle name is short, sweet, and gets all the points for cuteness. ... My middle name is Blue and I thought it was a great fit because they are both French and it sounds so cute! 0 0. Chloe Dawn also has a good ring to it. Anonymous. 11 Answers. Chloe Leigh 3. Chloe Charlotte - Of course, if you really want to be on trend, give your Chloe, Princess Charlotte of Windsor’s name and add a royal flair. Carter Garrison. Answer Save. Lane is a family name (mom and sisters middle name) so I would like to use it. what is a good middle name for first name chloe? April 28, 2020 by Alessia Santoro. 10 Answers. Personally I would go with Chloe Savannah! Thanks for all the geat names! Good, because when you say " Chloe" it sounds like you are stuttering or have a speech impediment. Good middle name for Khloe/Chloe? Middle name for Chloe! Sara. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. CHloe rochelle myers (pro. Relevance. 23 Answers. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. but, i can't find a middle name i love so can someone help me pleaseeeee. Her name is Chloe Madison or Chloe Lane, still undecided. For example, if you choose a one-syllable middle name, say Grace Jane, the name is still pretty but feels “choppy.” On the other hand, Grace Marie has a nice ring because the middle name … Carter Andrew. Rae, Eloise, James, and 88 Other Cute Middle Name Ideas For Baby Girls in 2021. Umm.. i like Khloe Nicole Or Khloe lynn. 13 Answers.
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